You took the time to bend over and fill it with your dogs poop, don’t leave it on the side of the road. Take it with you!
I see them along our road, blue ones, green ones, pink ones and even purple ones.
No one is going to pick up your dogs poop bag, that’s your responsibility. I mean what’s the point of going to all the trouble of bending down to bag the poop if you’re just gonna leave it behind.
Oh don’t tell me you forgot, It’s too hard to miss those vibrant colored bags with the knot in them sitting next to the asphalt as you’re walking by with your dog.
Too many people do this, act irresponsible. If you can’t carry it with you when you leave, then bring a small shovel and scoop it up and give it a heave ho into the pasture. That would be better than leaving the poop filled bag for someone else to take and throw it away.
Put yourself in the shoes of the people who live on and drive this road everyday, would you want to see the myriad of colorful bags filled with dog poop, just sitting there waiting?
I always want to compliment the dog owner who takes their dogs poop bag with them when they leave and I can’t because I never see anyone carrying them!
Or how about the person who leaves the pink poop filled bag on the old dry stack rock walls, perhaps thinking they’ll remember to take it? Well there is no one walking on the road, so I guess you forgot your poop filled bag! It’ll just sit there I suppose until it fades away.
I am here today to remind you, you took the time to
buy them, your eco friendly doggie poop bags.
You take the time to bend down and fill it with your dogs poop, don’t leave It on the side of the road. Take it with you!
Oh and don’t get me started on the woman who lets her dog run wild into other peoples yards while she talks on the phone, the dog who busts through my fence, because she isn’t paying attention to what her dog is doing, I see it running wild through my neighbors yard too.
Please just remember to carry the eco friendly doggie poop filled bag with you when you leave, or better yet, do us all a favor and tie it onto your dogs leash!