I was also told that a couple of ladies I know believe in some sort of reptile conspiracy theory! What’s wrong with these people? The one
thing I won’t eat are bananas, and that’s because of a bad experience I had in the back of my dad’s VW van after eating banana birthday cake while I had the flu! And I’ve never seen a lizard person I didn’t like.
I judge people all the time. I want to be more accepting of things that I can’t relate to but I’m an ox and it’s hard to push me off my path – at least I think I’m an ox or a white cow, depends on which Chinese astrology app I’m reading at the time. And don’t get me started about numerology – I’m a 30/3 if you ask Dan Millman. 30/3s are all about emotional expression and the zero means I’ve got special gifts, but were not always good at what were here to work on so… At least I know I’m a Leo and my moon is in Sagittarius… yea that explains it! Are you fucking kidding me?! Who doesn’t like ice cream!
If there are reptiles impersonating humans and trying to control us by shoving microchips into our brains through Covid test swabs or vaccines, then I want to eat as much ice cream as I can before the lizard people turn us all into soylent green – besides my Venus is in Gemini so I could go either way – plus I’ll probably have a little something on the side just in case.
The laws of science versus the laws of the Gods, now that’s an entertaining battle! Tie her up and see if the witch burns or throw her into the river and see if she floats. If she dies, we’ll know she’s a good god-fearing Christian! And who’s God is better anyway, the Muslims or the Hindus or the Apache’s or the lizard people? Let’s make them eat ice cream and if they start to grow scales, we’ll tie them up and burn them at the stake and then we’ll throw them into the river and if they are still alive after all that, we’ll make them eat bananas in the back of my old man’s VW van.