Look at the way that nothing people made stands up to nature when its wrath is unleashed
I'm forced to take sebatical cowering under my own direction
I'm curled up in a ball, following internal spire.
When I don't eat look how free i am.
The nastiness floats away.
Look how serene the sunset when it is your last one.
The dream is right at your toes.
All the voices fade into one cacophony.
It's a chorus cheering you on.
The courageous are testing your know how.
I got a position within friends, who have guides that have guides and nurturing them is like pumping up wings and you glide and keep sharing your feelings feeding the fish that keep surfacing and they later feed your soul.
You're onto yourself.
That's what you wanted to hear.
What you always knew.
Flush me out.
Give me a cerebral kolonic.
I've been baptized in the ocean
Blessed forever by full time brain bliss.
Yeah right.
People and all their dolphin questing.
Looks like the males gang up and keep the females from choosing.
Out of the all Knowing nothingness.
Its a great big Void out of which comes everything and anything.
Which personality.. am i right now?
The contracted one : I don't want to deal with it.
Nothing works right.
When was the grip lost?
An hour ago.
Another dream was shattered.
Breathe it all in, every piece that seems out there and wrong and bring it to dinner as a transformed perfected idea for all to feast on
I'm the angel you want me to be
The one everyone loves.
With her personalities from yesterday peeking out, a cookoo bird only crazy in snippets.
Oh don't look at that.
You're onto yourself.
That's what you wanted to hear.
What you always knew
Just take some words and pretend nobody's ever gonna hear about it.
Yeah right.
I'm forced to take sebatical cowering under my own direction
I'm curled up in a ball, following internal spire.
When I don't eat look how free i am.
The nastiness floats away.
Look how serene the sunset when it is your last one.
The dream is right at your toes.
All the voices fade into one cacophony.
It's a chorus cheering you on.
The courageous are testing your know how.
I got a position within friends, who have guides that have guides and nurturing them is like pumping up wings and you glide and keep sharing your feelings feeding the fish that keep surfacing and they later feed your soul.
You're onto yourself.
That's what you wanted to hear.
What you always knew.
Flush me out.
Give me a cerebral kolonic.
I've been baptized in the ocean
Blessed forever by full time brain bliss.
Yeah right.
People and all their dolphin questing.
Looks like the males gang up and keep the females from choosing.
Out of the all Knowing nothingness.
Its a great big Void out of which comes everything and anything.
Which personality.. am i right now?
The contracted one : I don't want to deal with it.
Nothing works right.
When was the grip lost?
An hour ago.
Another dream was shattered.
Breathe it all in, every piece that seems out there and wrong and bring it to dinner as a transformed perfected idea for all to feast on
I'm the angel you want me to be
The one everyone loves.
With her personalities from yesterday peeking out, a cookoo bird only crazy in snippets.
Oh don't look at that.
You're onto yourself.
That's what you wanted to hear.
What you always knew
Just take some words and pretend nobody's ever gonna hear about it.
Yeah right.
I waist not another moment wrestling with my thoughts. I strive to do something with them, like make a yummy soup with flavor you didn't know you've been longing to taste. Massage them into a thing a ball of energy so I can share it in some way that feels like I am dancing with you. Let me whisper you some sweet something that touches your soul. I want to dance with you, soar with you, break the mold with you, cry with you. Please cry, even for a second. You are dear now. We love you. Come when the space is set aside for us to dream out loud. Come play. Because on some pure revealing level, I already love you. See, love isn't reliant on time to blossom, it's exposure that matters. Vulnerability. When you tell me your secrets, you lay me wide open. In a way that my insides have been longing to be opened. Doesn't matter if I know where you live. I might not know what you do or what you eat. But I know you if you share your depths. Okay, lets laugh at some silly joke and be funny. like your hair in the morning or my facial expressions.....and then when it comes to the day you and I are invited to spill the poinancy, seize this opportunity. Do you love me when I cry? Or does it make you squirm and wish I wouldn't do that. I want you open. I've been walking all my life for these moments. Look! Treasures! When there is no separation. When we melt that illusion. Who knew with words we have the power to break down each other's walls in an instant. Am I reaching inside you, am I touching your organs? Okay I'm sorry that was a little too intimate. It's like get your hands off my spleen, thank you. I think I'll zip it up and go home now. Wait a minute we're still glued to our chairs like students wide mouthed and hungry where the teacher really cares. We are all taking us on a journey into space that's in here, that's deep in here. I trust you since you showed me. I'm still listening. You are safe. When was it in your life you had a changing moment? An event that changed your thoughts? A couple days ago when I was in a kitchen, and I didn't remember my legs were trapped in at calf level by the open door of the automatic dishwasher and--OOPS-- I tripped over it and gravity quickly grabbed me and slammed me on a hard white tile floor, but before I hit, my life flashed before me.... All of a sudden my life seemed really short if it could flash like that. Insignificant almost. Was that a little slap in the face checking my ego? So anyway, here we are spilling our guts or reading our poetry or whatever it is we keep coming back to do and I am enthralled. Here is this way of sharing truth about all kinds of ways we see things. Experiencing other perspectives. We are inside each others minds when we share this kind of shit. So don't be tellin other people what someone else shared, alright? Alright. Because the trust is here. The trust is golden. The trust opens the doors to hearts. And when the door is open, go in and take a look. See? On the table is a map that shows how to get everything really important you desire. What is it that you desire? A friend? Creativity? Love. I think that about covers it. The recipe is really simple. Show up. And share. But the nutrition is profound.