casually deep in bright cars
guns concealed on pretty pills with a radio blaring Musicology
beneath this sickly pomade coated sun of an unappreciative mother
who neither loves nor cares anything negative or greater than
a broken bottle in the backyard of the heart of a tight fisted yuppie
fearfully pushing a carriage exposed to this megalopolitan night terror
the speed of light is a perpetual drone beneath all things
I am downloaded into this articulation with damaged cognizance trusting there is a backup someplace my designer had the deliberation to keep and proposes to access my frame
to fill these gaps that plague my inadequate circuits running an undependable and delicate system of leaky valves corroded by time and glucose
clarinets and sirens sing a constant poem of defeat as appliances collide and the archaic threaten over and above to expire with unpaid debts only to find themselves revived and returned to the system for another collection cycle
one paw beyond steady paw I crush the bones of the structures that preceded my arrival
grinding slowly from the pit my optic ever hopeful to record a particle of light dripping from a fractionally imaged cup someplace above the village
this established from a description erased and disappeared but still I keep the folder.
movement is unrelenting protracted chaos only
as heavy metal combustion returns bulletproof and loaded
children behind tinted windows point with glee
pissing joy
pop pop pop pop pop projectile fractures splinter bone and stone bespattered fluids
branch over here legs over there fluttering monkeys tearing straw to feed the witch arrived to take my ticking heart
Connection M, Connection M, Please return me to my designer.
no glory of function only dark
online in the dark and lonely for the great burst of decay feeding a cycle of beauty
not even a cask of amontillado chained and bricked in this place of horror
system failure I am going offline.