This is for the men out there.
Maybe the women too.
I just have to say one thing guys.
Hold onto your balls.
Now, I don't mean cause someone's gonna kick them
or you're about to pull a Michael Jackson move
or so they don't sink into the toilet.
I mean, hold onto your balls guys.
Keep them close.
Don't let them get lost in the breeze.
Don't let them swing in the wind.
Don't let them out of your pants
unless you're pounding them against someone's ass.
You see guys
we will snip at them every chance we get.
And remember,
it’s the little things that nick away at your balls
until they're gone.
Take out the garage . . .
No, not like that
tie it up over the can.
No, you're not done.
Put a clean bag in now.
Hold onto your balls guys.
We will snip at them every chance we get.
It would be nice if you helped with the laundry . . .
No, not like that
you have to separate.
No, not like that
kitchen towels and body towels and dog towels and
NO, those are my special towels.
No you can't use them, they're new.
Hold onto your balls.
It would be nice if you wore that black tank top
I bought you . . .
No, you don't look gay.
Besides, I like the way gay guys look.
Yes, I know you're not gay
but you look sexy.
No, not gay sexy
New York sexy.
Come on guys.
it’s the little things that nick away at your balls
until they're gone.
Hold onto your balls
because once we sever them you can't get them back.
Once we sever them
there will be no more sex for you buddy.
Who wants to have sex with a guy with no balls?
When we say jump
grab us by the back of our neck
and plant a hard one.
When we say come
say what the fuck for.
And when we say you're going too fast . . .
slow down
don't tailgate
go around this car
turn on your lights
the musics too loud
let me drive!
Then pull over
toss the keys to us
get out
and walk away
saving your precious beautiful balls.