This is it! Your claim to fame, your bid for immortality – or at least infamy - – become a sociopath! With our foolproof and tested program, in three short weeks you’ll be on your way to your wildest dreams coming true.
You think sociopathy is only for the wealthy or the deranged? Heavens no! It’s the new rage. All the latest Presidents and Prime Ministers are doing it!
Join the ranks of history’s greatest company: Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, and now Trump…what an international crowd! These are megalomaniacs who changed the course of history! We’re talking power here, folks, - moving and shaking at the highest level! Sure, children and animals will be able to tell you’re a fraud, but they have no power and no one listens to them anyway.
Your conscious will no longer plague you. You don’t have to care what other people think about you! You can stop caring about your appearance or even your integrity. You just decide that your opinion, your lifestyle – everything about you - is the most important thing in the world, and you just go about convincing others of the same thing! Simple as that. Single focus on you, yourself, and you. – Whatever you want is what matters. You want a building? NO problem. Take it. You want sex from people who don’t want sex with you – intimidate, bully, blackmail, - you can use all the tricks in the book to take that, too. It’s yours!
In three short weeks with our amazing new course, you’ll be able to lie to anyone’s face and they won’t be able to tell it’s a lie. You’ll be able to pass any lie detector test. You’ll have bank managers, lesser business people, and even Hollwood celebrities throwing money at you and endorsing your brand. With our guaranteed program, you’ll come to believe in your own invincibility. And so it will be.
Laws? Who needs em? You’ll be above all that when you simply don’t. give. a. fuck. Make any contracts you want! Hire other sociopaths and create an empire that you control.
Confidence is king, here, folks and we show you how to live and breathe it. If you believe it and say it loud enough, others will listen and fall into line behind you. You tell them you have millions of dollars enough times, loud enough – and they believe you. They’ll even give you millions of dollars just for having that much unshakable conviction.
Act today and make all your cares and woes go away. With our “Revo-lutionary 3-weeks to Sociopathic Success” program, your dreams are in the bag.
You think sociopathy is only for the wealthy or the deranged? Heavens no! It’s the new rage. All the latest Presidents and Prime Ministers are doing it!
Join the ranks of history’s greatest company: Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, and now Trump…what an international crowd! These are megalomaniacs who changed the course of history! We’re talking power here, folks, - moving and shaking at the highest level! Sure, children and animals will be able to tell you’re a fraud, but they have no power and no one listens to them anyway.
Your conscious will no longer plague you. You don’t have to care what other people think about you! You can stop caring about your appearance or even your integrity. You just decide that your opinion, your lifestyle – everything about you - is the most important thing in the world, and you just go about convincing others of the same thing! Simple as that. Single focus on you, yourself, and you. – Whatever you want is what matters. You want a building? NO problem. Take it. You want sex from people who don’t want sex with you – intimidate, bully, blackmail, - you can use all the tricks in the book to take that, too. It’s yours!
In three short weeks with our amazing new course, you’ll be able to lie to anyone’s face and they won’t be able to tell it’s a lie. You’ll be able to pass any lie detector test. You’ll have bank managers, lesser business people, and even Hollwood celebrities throwing money at you and endorsing your brand. With our guaranteed program, you’ll come to believe in your own invincibility. And so it will be.
Laws? Who needs em? You’ll be above all that when you simply don’t. give. a. fuck. Make any contracts you want! Hire other sociopaths and create an empire that you control.
Confidence is king, here, folks and we show you how to live and breathe it. If you believe it and say it loud enough, others will listen and fall into line behind you. You tell them you have millions of dollars enough times, loud enough – and they believe you. They’ll even give you millions of dollars just for having that much unshakable conviction.
Act today and make all your cares and woes go away. With our “Revo-lutionary 3-weeks to Sociopathic Success” program, your dreams are in the bag.